MPS vertical roller mill for coal grinding
Helwan Cement Company decided on Gebr. Pfeiffer, the No 1 in coal grinding
Innovative technology and first-class quality make Gebr. Pfeiffer the global market leader in coal grinding. More than 2,000 MPS coal mills are in operation worldwide, including the largest coal mill in the world. The company has its own manufacturing facilities and offers comprehensive service concepts. Weltmarktführer in der Kohlevermahlung. Weltweit sind über 2000 MPS-Kohlemühlen in Betrieb, darunter auch die größte Kohlemühle der Welt. Das Unternehmen fertigt selbst und bietet umfassende Servicekonzepte.
These arguments also convinced Helwan Cement Company belonging to the Italcementi Group.The vertical roller mill chosen by Helwan Cement Company will be installed in a coal grinding plant of a cement works in Egypt. The delivery of the coal mill will start as early as the end of 2016.The order was placed by the Chinese General Contractor Beijing Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing.
The coal mill of the type MPS 3350 BK with an installed gearbox power of 1050 kW is designed to grind 80 t/h of coal to a product fineness of 12 % residue on 90 microns and 60 t/h of pet coke to a product fineness of 6 % residue on 90 microns.Gebr. Pfeifer’s skilled personnel will also supervise erection and commissioning.